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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Belly Cast

The belly cast is done. It turned out beautiful! While I was getting the supplies to make it a very nice lady who was waiting in line next to me asked me what I was making with all the pink I had. With a big smile, and a little bit of tears I got to tell a complete stranger about Maggie. Then I got home , and started the process of decorating it. Again, I got to check something off my list that I never thought that I would be able to do because I lost her. I got to make a tutu for her. So, as I am making it the tears are just rolling down my face.. tears not only of joy,but sadness. I will never get to see her dance with it on, or get to take her to ballet practice,but it was made just for her. I will take what I can get.. I had more moments with her than some get, and I had a lot less memories than most get. If you have to re-read that then please do. There are many moms that do not get the time that I had, nor the answers, or closer, and to the moms out there that have been blessed with time make sure you hug your children extra tight.  I thought I would feel peace with it being done, and hanging on the wall... I don't... every time I look at it I want to sob. Maybe because it is a reminder that the nightmare was really real... she was here, and now she is gone.

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