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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy 3 months flying

Today you would have been three months old. I could write a long list of what we would of been doing, but here I sit alone just wondering. I thank God every day for the bittersweet time we had. I would have been lost with out knowing you, and I am lost with out you. I promise I am moving forward, each day is less debilitating. There are less why Me's , and more peaceful memories. I feel like I am trapped in this weird time capsule. I feel like I have accomplished so much, in these short 3 months. If I really wanted to be honest with my self I am shocked. Am I moving on forgetting, or am I just adjusting?? Sometimes I transport myself back in memories.. I can feel you move, or kick.. even respond to your brother voice.. then reality comes crashing back to  hit me in he face. Earth is not my eternal home.. I will see you one day.. hopefully not too soon. Till then know you have 1/2 my heart while the other half is here with your brother. I love you Maggie xoxo

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