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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My sweet baby


  1. She was gorgeous! Looks like she had your hair! I'm so sorry she's not with you. All we can do is ask, why God, why? And trust that His ways are so far above our own that we can never understand but we can trust Him and love HIm through it all.

    Have you ever heard of Fanny Crosby? She wrote upwards of 8,000 hymns (oh, and she was blind from infancy), and one of the ones she wrote was called, Safe in the Arms of Jesus. She wrote it when her own baby girl died as a newborn. I haven't lost a child, but I have had many tough ordeals to endure in life, and presently I am going through a vicious divorce. Lots of grief and despair. Fanny's hymns soothe me like nothing else right now. My favorite hymn of hers is Take the World, but Give Me Jesus. I listen to this song daily and I weep before my God. I weep for joy because His love is so perfect, and I weep with grief over the losses in my life. May your faith endure.

  2. Thank you very much!! I hope things get easier for you in your divorce. I will be praying. :)
