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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


We just got back from Indy.. what a great two days. We went to the Children's Museum , and to the zoo. Did I say what a great two days!! No crying, no feeling down, no empty arms, no feeling like I was missing something. Did I think of Maggie.. yes. Did I wish she could of been enjoying this with us yes. It was a peaceful thinking of her, not full of raw hurt, and anger. I am making progress.. one step forward..1/2 steps back?? Baby steps, but progress. I will try, and get some pictures posted from our trip in the next couple of days. Please keep up the prayers.. If I have learned anything I need to heal in my own time frame, not on anyone schedule, but my own.
   I went on a job interview today.. I had to turn it down.. the job seemed way to stressful, and too many hours. It was almost liberating in a way to turn it down.. to speak up, and truthfully say.. I'm just not ready for that much yet. I was proud of myself. Proud of standing up for what I need right now. Another valuable lesson that this has taught me , is that no amount of money, no matter how much you THINK you need it is worth compromising your mental, physical being, or your families well being. So, what if we shop at Aldi, go on vacation once every three years... so what if my child does not wear name brand clothing, or get to have ice cream from the ice cream truck when it goes by..... so what if I don't go get my nails done, or my hair professional cut/ colored. I would much rather be happy with my simple life, and know that I am giving my son LOVE, not material objects.. He will be able to look back , and have memories of me not objects that I bought him. These are years I will never get back. Now is the time to heal, and treasure the little things, because when you look back in time it's the little things that become the BIG things. Those little things that I remember with my Maggie, are the things that bring my soul comfort..they are the things that remind me she was here! Her soul picked  me! Man, was I lucky or what!

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