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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

CASH BASH in the works!!!

Ok, the decision has been made.. We will be doing a Cash Bash next fall in Maggie's Memory.. All the proceeds will go to Dr. Brophy at The University of Iowa's Children's Hospital where he is working on a fix to Potter Syndrome. Potter's happens when there are no kidney present or they are not working to produce amniotic fluid .. the amniotic fluid is what develops the lungs. I have read that he is on the brink of something very big in his discoveries! This brings tears to my eyes.. if no other baby has to have the fate as my sweet Maggie, and no other family has to do through the pain.. than his work is truly a miracle from God. So, if anyone has any connections, or has planned a cash bash event I would love to hear of some great tips/ leads!!

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