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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Monday, June 11, 2012


Have had a good couple of days.. I went to church on Sunday, then out for a shopping/ lunch date with my husband. Then I came home to fix a big dinner all from scratch. Today has been good too.. I went to counseling, visited my grandma, and did some more cooking. Ahh, I think a bubble bath with a glass of wine is in order to end a couple of really great days.
      I feel like I need to pick a path for myself in life. I feel like I need to find something to do to bring myself joy. I would LOVE to get my cupcake biz rolling again... the only thing that stands in my way of course is $. I need to get into a licensed kitchen, so I can sell my cupcakes with out fear. I need to make some personal goal, and pray over them.. I have also thought about going to hair school, or going back to school to be a teacher. I just need to find direction... Have any of you ever done something major in your life, and when it is over you think what now?? Maybe a child going to college...maybe you just retired.. finished a year long project.. That is how I feel. We worked so hard to Maggie, spent so much time preparing for her, her arrival, her death, and now I just feel like I am standing at the start of a forest preserve.. with several different paths to choose, and my mind just spinning with my heart empty. Life decisions ; /

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