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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Up date

Good afternoon every one. I am still in the hospital,but will be going home today. Today, was an even better day, than yesterday. I miss Maggie a lot, but I am still at peace. So, please everyone stop saying that they are so sorry.. I am not sorry.. she effected so many people here on earth in a positive way during her short time here. Her life had great purpose. She taught me so many lessons, big and small. Don said something to me last night instead of it being miracles for Maggie... it was Maggie's miracles. We got to donate her whole heart. She will save at least three if not four lives. As a parent I have no regrets.. I carried her as long as I could, I loved her as much as I could love her, and I learned as much as I could from her. I am a better person because of her. So, thank you everyone for reading, praying, and being apart of our journey. I intend to still blog during me healing process... Also, look out everyone this mama is going to be fighting to get as much awareness about Maggie's disease out there.. I truly believe that is they can find ways for people to live with half a heart, we can also find a way for babies to survive with out any amnio fluid!!

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