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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Today was a much better day.. still some crying, but for the most part good. ( I hope I did not just jinx myself it's only 5:30) I got out again today for a little while, then I came back home , and had to crash because I was in so much pain. Before I laid down, I just started sobbing... I miss her so much. All those little things she did when she was in my belly..I am so glad that I got to experience them, because now they are big things.. little pieces of her memories. I just got done cooking some homemade clean soup, and clean angel food cake with strawberries. I forgot how much I LOVE cooking/ baking.. it was so therapeutic to get lost in making a yummy healthy meal. Not to mention that my favorite view in the whole house is looking outside the window over my kitchen sink into my back yard. I can see my pond, and flower garden. I can't wait to get healed so I can go out and start a veggie garden, and put in a memorial flower garden for Maggie. Well, I am going to run so I can check on my stuff cooking...

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