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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A crazy day with 3 dr appointments!

What a crazy day!! Our first visitor was at 8:30.. my Papou ( Greek for grandpa) . He brought us soup and pineapple upside down cake. Next was my mom who hung out with us, and helped picked up the house. Thank you mom.. I applied for two part time job position with Riverside. I am hoping to get a call back. I am not really ready for my life to transition from stay at home mom/ homeschooling mama into a working mom, but life changes, and it must go on. I can not allow my self to sit a wallow if the grief of Maggie. I know I will still have bad days, but I think having something to do will also help the healing process.

Then Hayden had an appointment to get his kidney's scanned. We explained to him what was going to happen before he went so he would not freak out... he now thinks that kidney's are kitty's , and they are in your back. At least he has the location correct. All day long anyone that we have seen he has told them that he had his kitty's scanned, and they are in his back. LOL The ultra sound tech said they looked good. Nothing official ,but from previous experience if thing are wrong they will not tell you ANYTHING!! They just say we are not sure you will have to talk to your doctor. So, with that being said I am a little revealed. Then later this afternoon Don, and me had our Dr appointment. That was a little crazy considering we had to bring Hayden. Of course the nice sweet innocent boy that I know we have was no where to be found while we were there. ARhg! On, the plus side I have lost 14 lbs, and I only gained 10 during the pregnancy Go ME!! My BP was a little high again, but I am still in pain, and under a LARGE amount of stress. They did blood, and urine test for me , and Don. The urine came back fine, blood we will have to wait on the results. They are also sending us up north to Rush to speak with a Dr. Wong who is a genetic dr.

I am freaking out because we keep getting two different diagnosis with Maggie. When we went to Hinsdale hospital we were told Polycystic ( which is hereditary , and can have two form a dominate- meaning one of the parents or both will have the disease in their life time or recessive- meaning it was caused by genes crossing wrong) We went to UIC and was told Multicystic (which means it is caused from a gene , but the likely hood of it happening again is slim to none) . At birth when they scanned her kidneys they said Polycystic . Her autopsy report said Multicystic. So, with all this confusion we are all getting checked out. I am terrified to death that it could still be Polysctic... I do not want to see my husband, son, or me die of the same disease. I don't want to loose anyone else. I want to die peacefully in my sleep next to my husband when we are old. I want to be able to put this behind us ( never forget Maggie), and move on. Live the rest of our lives in Peace. Also, with Polycystic if we ever wanted to try again we would have a 50% chance of this happening again. Also, if Hayden wanted to have children he would have a chance of passing it along. We want answers ,but no why will ever be good enough for us to  understand why we had to loose her, out sweet angel. Now I feel like I am fighting to protect all that it left, with again no control over it.

Tomorrow will be a good day, Hayden goes for his last test for his Kitty's lol.. a hearing test, then we go to sign him up for preschool, and talk to Dr. Batish about all of Maggie's autopsy result.

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