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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Last Day.....

Ok.. so today is the last day before .. the dreaded day...
What a busy day it has been.. Hayden went for preschool screening( my baby is not a baby anymore :( ) Then we went over to the hospital for a lab draw , and to talk to the anesthesiologist . Came home, and sat outside while the boys washed the car. I have seen so many beautiful butterflies today. I have just been soaking all the beauty in before the storm starts. I have been enjoying all of Maggie's kicks, ans squirms... It is so hard to believe that I a carrying her to her death. I wish I could run, but I can't. I know God will give me what I need to make it. Thank you all for the prayers, and support. Be patient with Blog updates .. as soon as we can it will be updated


  1. Bless you dear Elizabeth. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. You have taught us so much about the phase "be willing to let go of everything/anything; but NEVER let go of the hand of God".

  2. I know you will not be seeing this for awhile, but I want you to know you have been a constant in the Kemp family prayers and we will continue to pray for you, Don, & Hayden to find peace & understanding of God's great unknown plan.
