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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Monday, April 16, 2012

A little Humor.. with a butterfly story!

So 3 days.. just 3 days.... My anxiety has been a little high today , and my emotions have been all over the board... With that being said I will tell you all the Butterfly story..
Yesterday my dad bought Hayden a butterfly net, and they went out looking to catch a butterfly. They did catch one.. Hayden was so excited he wanted to keep it. So, we got a mason jar , and poked holes in the top.. The butterfly was not doing so well in his new home, and around 5 pm we thought that he had died.. by 8 pm we were convinced. Hayden still wanted to take the butterfly home so we did. He sat on the counter in the jar all night. This morning when I woke up I looked at the butterfly , and he was now on his back with this legs in the air looking like rigger had set in. About 10 am I said to God .. Thank you for giving me this dead butterfly what a great way to explain death to Hayden. So, I called Hayden into the kitchen , and told him that the butterfly was dead, and how we knew this was because his heart stopped beating.. we could tell that his heart stopped because his wings no longer moved. So then I re explained what heaven is. Hayden thinks that Haven is where baby Jesus from Christmas time is at ... but he says baby Jesus is with his friend Kevin with an H hence Hevin... So, after re explaining with the butterfly he was really starting to get HEAVEN. You could see the light bulb had turned on .. he was saying that he needed to go with the other butterflies in heaven to be with their heaven family.. it was all going great.. We called daddy to get a shovel because we were going to go out to the Garden to put the butterfly into the ground, and says a prayer..... When all of a sudden that butterfly got about 10,000 watts of juice from GOD himself.. That darn thing came back to life .. and Hayden looked so confused.. worse than the time that we told him Maggie was not in my belly anymore, and had went to be with the angles. No matter how hard I try I just keep confusing my little boy about death.. I didn't know if I want to cry or laugh.. So, I laughed till I cried.. GOD HAS A SINCE of HUMOR... and now that I am getting so close to the end.. I can do nothing ,but find the comedic relief in all these someone tragic situations.. I hope you got a good chuckle out of this story.. I know I did.
Maggie's ultra sound book is now complete.. Hayden helped put the stickers on the front.

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