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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Imagine if you new, that your child had only 9 days left to live. Imagine not being able to see their face, hold them, or do anything memorable with them,but you could feel them. That is the hell that I am living... I mentally can not do this any longer,but I physically have no choice. I am a train wreak.
I am so tired of people viewing my situation like I am having a growth or something not so important removed from being a pain in my "ass" out of my body. I am having surgery to remove a very sick/ alive baby out of me. A LIVING person whom I LOVE, and have gotten very attached to... and that I don;t want to see my life without. I am angry, hurt, sad, vulnerable ... people that should be here for me are more worried about what is on their agenda. With that being said I do appreciate the help that I have been given, but at the same time I am so frustrated that I have to rely on my 75 year old grandparents , or friends that have their own stuff going on. I feel like a burden.
I have a 3 year old who I am not proud to admit has sprouted devil horns, and has the world worst behavior... I can not even take him to the park to enjoy time with him. I don't have a lot of friends, so he does not have a lot of friends.. I feel terrible about that. All we do is sit in the house , and watch tv or play his game thing. I guess if I was him I would be pissed , and act like a fool too. Well, not that I have ruined my stay positive goal.. I think I better dry the tears, and pull up my big girl panties..because no matter how much I bitch it is what it is....


  1. Praying for you Liz. Please call me if you need anything-- Julie

  2. Breath in..breath in your famly and trust in your are NOT a burden...let it go!!! I love you and I am here for you if and when you need to talk... I know how you feel... <3 Brandy
