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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Our Savior has risen! Happy Easter!
I am viewing Easter in a new light this year. With a lot more appreciation. My faith has been tried, and tested beyond belief in the last 4 months. As a parent I have a new found meaning for Easter. If you have ever lost a child or have been in a situation that is grave I hope you will understand where I am coming from. What a HARD, thing GOD did for us out of unconditional love. He sent his only CHILD to die for us. He son died a very painful, long, cruel death. It again sounds so simple, but if you have ever lost a child, or been close.. it is the worst feeling in the world. God is so amazing he could of stopped it, instead of watching...  he could have eased his pain..... he could have found another way to save us all because he is God. It just goes to show that God is not asking me to do something that he has not already done, nor will he leave my side as I go through this ,because he KNOWS the hurt, the pain, and the LOVE.  Thank you God for giving us your only son , so we may enter your kingdom. Happy Easter everyone. ( I am not trying to say my Maggie is divine like Christ, I am just viewing Easter from a parents perspective)


  1. Liz, you have a wonderful perspective. What you said about our Father watching His only Child suffer and die is so true. He can relate to our suffering and pain because of this. However, I never realized this until after our baby had passed on and I was doing some real soul searching. So glad you have this to comfort you now, knowing our Father does know, and will be with you every step of the way. My prayers continue for you all. Barb
