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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Update.. and information for when we are in the hospital

Hey guys.. I have not updated the blog in awhile,but I have been keeping Facebook updated. I have had some bp issues going on the past couple of days. I went the hospital this morning for it. They got my bp back to manageable numbers,  I was having some contractions, but not close enough together. With all that being said I was sent home unless something comes up again.

The c-section is set for 4-19 @ 7:30 in the morning at Riverside. The only people that will have access to us is Hayden, the photographer/ her assistant, and the pastor. Phone calls are welcome , but I can not guarantee  we will  be able to answer. There is going to be a group meeting @ 7:15 AM the morning of the surgery in Riversides Chapel. This is right out side the Labor and Delivery entrance. If you would like to meet to pray for me and Maggie, or just come up to the hospital to show support you can call Johanna Engler at 815-953-4984 she is coordinating everything with this. I will have someone updating the blog.. please be patient , and understand that this is a very private moment for me, and Don. We don't want to make anyone feel like they are not welcome.. I have been more than public with everything that we have been going threw,and we just feel like this needs to be private till we have processed this ourselves, before we can let family, friends, or readers experience this with us.

Maggie's funeral will also be private now, we are not even letting immediate family be present ( just me, Don, and possible Hayden). Again, please do not feel unappreciated or upset by this..we appreciate everything.. we just need some privacy. Maggie will have an online guest book with Clancy Gurnon funereal home if anyone would like to sign the book , and leave us a message we would love that. Also, we are asking that no flowers be given either for the birth or funereal, instead we are asking that gifts be made to help with medical bills, and research to the disease. I believe that this is a VERY treatable disease,but since it is rare not a lot of research is being done. I would love to find a cure, or at least a manageable fix, so no other family or baby has to go through this hell!

I hope you all understand, and I hope I have not offended anyone. We greatly appreciate ALL prayers, thoughts, and help that we have been given along this journey.

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