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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Maggie the fighter

So, Maggie has been in the boxing ring with Mike Tyson today (or at least she thinks she is). She was kicking, and moving so much this morning I was sick. After lunch we took a nap , and she settled down a little. She is still moving up a storm this evening ,but in more of a peaceful manor. This little lady has got a lot of fight in her, and she is going to need all of it :) Monday I go to the pregnancy center for another look at Maggie :) I will post more Monday afternoon. I have been working on a scrapbook of all of her ultrasound pic's. She is such a little diva, last week she gave us the thumbs up. Hope you all have a blessed Sunday, Thank you for all the prayers HOPEFULLY GOD IS GETTING THE MESSAGE!!! P.S. Pretty sure that Maggie loves Bluesy/ Soul music.. She goes crazy every time she hears it :) 

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