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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Good morning everyone!!! Sorry, I did not write yesterday. I home from Maggie's appointment , and there was roses, sparkling grape juice, new shoes, card, and a balloon. That was followed my a romantic candle lit dinner cooked by my husband. I am one lucky/loved women! Needless to say my evening was filled with romance , and cuddling my two favorite boys :)

Maggie's appointment went great! She is almost 27 weeks , and that is what she is measuring. Hard to believe I am now in the 3rd trimester! The more she grows the more her personality comes out. She is a big fan of Kelly Clarkson LOL. While doing the ultra sound yesterday my friend asked if she could call her Mag's , I said sure... then Maggie started not only to kick me, but punch as well. I guess she did not like that nickname. She is such a little fighter. The more she grows ,the more she is stealing bigger pieces of my heart. I knew this was not going to be an easy journey when we chose to continue her life. I know her life is not over till God says its over. As  mother it is so hard to see my child alive , and moving right now. I know with every day that she is alive it brings us one day closer to her death. It is so hard to be this close, but yet so far away. She is inside me living, but yet there is nothing I can do to help her. It is sad to watch your child die no matter what age they are, but to have them in your body brings the hurt to a hole different level.

On this Valentines day LOVE. Do not wait for tomorrow or even this evening pick up the phone, txt, email. All we are guaranteed is this moment nothing else. XOXOX


  1. Liz, first off, let me assure you that you and Maggie are in my daily prayers and masses. Also, in your faith journey, always remember that we all will make the same journey Maggie will make...some sooner...some later. That's the price of admission to heaven. Scripture tells us that Jesus said, "suffer the little ones to come to me and do not prevent them, for it is such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs". We don't always understand GOD'S plan in our lives...WHY ME is an all to often sentiment we use when we just don't comprehend GOD'S plan. But rest assured, one day GOD will reveal his plan to us...but on HIS time schedule...NOT OURS! GOD knows of your pain and sorrow, he feels it with you. But, wait a little while, and your sorrow will turn to joy! Consider it a blessing that our Lord is allowing you to be tried in this way! For trials bring perseverance, and perseverance brings eternal happiness and joy! I pray that Jesus strengthens you for this trial with his graces and walks this journey with you, noy just today, but everyday!
    Praised Be Jesus Christ!

    Brian Sr.

  2. Liz,
    It is time to start healing NOW...not "When it happens". So, today I offer you a chance at beginning the healing process with someone who is very aware of exactly what it's like to lose a child. Father Guy Gurath has dedicated his entire ministry to particular...Copying with the death of a child. He has walked with many a family seeking understanding and peace before, during, and after the death of a child. He has written many books and recorded many CD's on the subjects of Hospice, Coping with the death of a child or a loved one, etc. His specialty is losing a child grief counseling. I became very good friends with Father Guy when he presided over the funeral of my favorite uncle Terry. He is currently my spiritual mentor and would be glad to speak to you. He works out of the Diocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. You can reach him by calling 262-692-2722. Please let him know that I sent you to him. If you prefer, I can have him contact you. Just let me know. "Blessed Are They Who Mourn, For They Shall Be Comforted" It's very important that you begin the healing process now...NOT later! As always, you and Maggie, Hayden and Don remain in my prayers. Jesus said, "I am he that comforts you...who are you to be afraid". In all things pray, constantly pray. Let the healing hand of Christ touch you TODAY! as you walk this journey of faith.

    Praised Be Jesus Christ!

    Brian Sr.
