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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hey guys! It has been awhile since I have posted. We got to see Maggie yesterday on an ultra sound. She is still doing good. Heart rate was 149 BPM and she is still growing. The wonderful women at the Pregnancy Resource Center gave Hayden a book called We were having a baby and got an angel instead. The book is so spot on how to explain to a 3yr old what is going on. THANK YOU!
Today I went to the OB and she thinks Maggie is doing good too. Other than that I still have no other updates. I am trying to keep strong in my faith with God's plan. I thank God everyday for the great people that he has placed in my life. Again, I would like to thank the Pregnancy Resource center in Kankakee. I have met the most amazing women there. They do so much for our community. If you have a chance check out the web/facebook page. They are always looking for Diapers, wipes, formula, girl/boy clothing up to a size 2T , and helping hands. Please take a look at what they offer our community.

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