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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A little Faith

Went to the funeral home this morning , and we got all of the plans finalized. We have decided to do a private service for family only. Maggie will have a closed casket, and prayer service. Then we will go straight to the cemetery. We have decided to run an obituary in our local paper. The obituary will have a link so that way all of our friends, and people following Maggie's Journey can sign her guest book. I will also have the link posted on the blog. We are asking in lieu of flower that you make donations to our family to help cover the burial cost, and anything left over will go to the University of Chicago for research for Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney Disease.  I hope you all understand the reason we are saying family only.. I do not want to have to put on a happy face, or be worried about greeting people, or talking to anyone. I will also be recovering from a c-section , and I do not want to push my body more than I will have to push it.

After we left the funeral home we went to a florist to pick out a spread of flowers to put on her casket. I lost it when they placed the book in front of my , and there was one with a pink teddy bear. It is funny how strong I can be in some moments , and then seeing the teddy bear on the casket I just crumble. We chose one of all Gerber Daisy that will be in pinks, and purple with a polka dot ribbon.

I am at peace with the decisions we have made. Don't get me wrong I am still very, very, heart broken ,but God is giving me the strength that I need to get threw the days of planning. I can only believe that he will not leave my side , and give me what I need to make it threw her birth , and burial. I will never be the same or hole again because she will always be missing from our earthly home. One day we will be together again with no sadness or pain.
                                                                      A Little Faith

Faith is both the substance of things hoped for and the evidence that things exist that are not yet perceived with the senses.

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