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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WOW! 28 weeks tomorrow... before I know it Maggie will be here. I went today for another ultrasound. Maggie is still growing she is measuring almost 28 weeks ( right on track) . Her heart rate was 146 BPM. The cysts on her kidney's are getting larger as she grows. ( I will try to post a pic of her abdominal cavity tomorrow).

I have decided to switch back to my OB that delivered Hayden. He has operated on me once, and is very decisive in the decisions that he makes. I think it will take a lot of anxiety off of me to know I trust someone who is operating on me.

My next appointments are Tues at 10 at the pregnancy center, and Thur at 10 with Dr. Mehta. I will blog after we have more news. If you don't hear anything please don't get nervous. If something is to happen I will make sure the blog is updated by SOMEONE. Thanks for all of your prayer we appreciate everyone of them :)

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