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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


January 17, 2012 :
10:30 AM : I feel like a crazed person. I have spent most of my time on the phone this morning searching for a doctor appointment, with any doctor that is willing to help. I was referred to a Dr. A  ( High Risk OB ) in Orland by another mother going thew a similar situation. I called Dr. A 's office this morning and had to go thew three people just to get an appointment with him. The one even asked why did I think he could help if the Dr at UIC could not. I wanted to reach threw the phone and choke her, but I calmly said that we are in this for the long haul and ANY doctor willing to help us we would like to see. Finally, I got an appointment for Monday the 23. Whew, and I did not have to choke anyone.

The next phone call I made was to the University of Kansas. I am seeking out a DR. Alan YU. According to the research I have done the University of Kansas is the leading hospital in the United State on research with PKD/ MKD ( Polycystic/ Multicystic Kidney Disease). The lady on the phone was very nice, but again I had to explain our situation, and let her know that I am not crazy I am just trying to save my baby's life. She was very kind and said she would check with Dr. YU  nurse and see if he was OK with us sending all medical records and scans to see if he could help. I don't think I will let the phone out of my site today.

I am stilling trying to get ahold of DR. Y here in town. Her phone lines have been down for the past two days. I want to get back to the hospital and get hooked up to IV's to see if that will raise my fluid levels again. I feel like this is one giant cycle of crazy. I don't want to take no for an answer , but every time I get a no it tears my heart up. I go threw depression , till the next crazy idea pops in my head of what to do next. Then I get a little bit of hope till it is crushed. Don and I have talked about not searching for help any more because it leaves me so fragile, but I am afraid if I do not keep searching that after the baby born and does not survive I will not be able to look in the mirror at my self for the rest of my life. 

Talking about the baby we keep going back and forth on if we want the baby to be put on a vent or not. At one moment we say no let nature take it coarse, then we here of a miracle story and re think our decision. This is by far the hardest thing in my life that I have done threw. If I live threw this I will not be the same but I will be grateful just to be living. Yet again, I am going to ask... Would anyone like to trade me for just five sweet minutes? My head needs to stop spinning, I need to sleep, and I need not to cry. Keep praying and never take for granted your healthy children that God has giving you.

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