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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Life is to short not to chase your dreams

The past year of my life has been a journey. A journey that has turned my life upside down, and turned me inside out. It has made me question every deep seeded belief that I have ever had. At 19 weeks pregnant I found out that I was pregnant with a baby girl, but the pregnancy was fatal. Maggie had a rare disease called Multicystic Dysplastic kidney disease or Potters Syndrome. I had the choice to terminate the pregnancy or keep going, and I choose to carry her as long as I could. She was born April 19, 2012. She was 6lbs 10 oz , and looked perfect in every way from the outside. She lived for an hour and half, and died peacefully in my arms. I was consumed by grief after this tragic event, I had no idea what to do or how to move forward in my life. So, after two months of wallowing, and feeling sorry for myself  I started "operation get a life" .

 Operation get a life consisted of two things .. number one get a job, and number 2 make some new friends. Getting a job proved to be harder than what I thought it was going to be.. every ad that I came across, or every interview that I went to my heart was just not in it. Then the light bulb came on!!! After everything that I had been through  I had been given the gift of the "reset" button. I had seen first hand how short life can really be.... I was thinking of a million things that I would never get to do with my daughter, but  it was not to late for me, I could still do a million things on my bucket list all I had to do was DO them.

So, one of the things that I had always wanted to do was HAIR. I had looked into school at least three other times since I was in High School. Something in life was always "just not right". The "just not rights" were people talking me out of it, money being tight, my own fear, having a young child to look after, only have one vehicle . the list went on , and on. Well, operation get a life put a bug up my butt you might say. It was time, and nothing was going to stop me. I went to Paul Mitchell the School's web site, and found the link to the financial aide web site. That night I filled out my own FASFA, and sent my Application into the school. Nothing was stopping me now. 

I am happy to say that  now I only have about four months of school left. I was the best decision that I have ever made. I am not saying that it has been easy, because it has not been.  I have found my number 2 in operation get a life, but I call them much more than friends , they have become my new family.. my light at the begging of a new journey.  I am so blessed to have the opportunity to go to Pmts Bradley. If you would of asked me a year ago what I would be doing today.... I would of said just trying to make it out of bed. Rainbows come when you need them the most. So, thank you to all my new friends/ family at PMTS for helping me when I needed it the most.

Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% of how you respond to it. So, why wait another day to chase whatever dream you have??? Life is short, and growing older is a privilege denied to many. 
Thank you for your time - Liz 
If you would like to read my blog about my journey with Maggie please go to www.

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