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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

On over load HELP!

It been awhile since I have posted. To be honest I have been more than a mess. I have been working with a temp agencies, and trying to go back to work. I had my first assignment yesterday. I answered phones for 9 hours at a trucking company. The guys were very nice that I worked with. I AM JUST NOT READY YET. I have been more than a little out of it today. My stomach has been hurting, and I have been achy. I am just so stressed out because of it all. I have been at home now for almost four years... this is a big life style change, on top of losing Maggie. I have tired to express to Don that I just can not handle this right now. I don't know if people in  general think I am playing,or "milking" this situation up, but I am not. I know I need to learn how to cope, but holy moly it has only been 6 weeks. Some days I don't know if I am up, down, or in between. I LOVE being at home. News flash being at home with a 3 year old is stressful enough, with out adding anything else to the pot.
             We leave for Indy on Monday. I am excited/ nervous about that. I have really bad travel anxiety. Plus, when we get back I have another interview to work for a HR company to be the assistant to the director. Secretly ( well not so much now ), I am DREADING it. I want to stay at home. I am happy there. I don't want it to change. I think I would like at least till fall before I go back, then maybe part time. I just feel very overwhelmed!! I am lost... It makes me so mad too when people think that I just need to take a depression pill to cope.. how is that coping?? Taking a pill to alter you chemicals in your brain is not coping.. that is like taking a street drug, or drinking yourself to death, and calling it
"coping".  I am just one person.. I just need time... I need to heal before I try, and move on.. How can you try to write a new chapter when the one before it has not ended???

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