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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Monday, May 21, 2012

What a long weekend!! I finally had my doctors appointment, and everything is looking good. They think what is going on with my kidney's is due from the pregnancy. They are going to keep an eye on the cyst. I go back in three months for another check up , ultra sound, and labs.

I made it through the baby shower on Sunday. I was so nervous, that I was going to be a basket case, and cry the whole time. I did not cry, but I was pretty sad felt really lost..... I know Maggie death is part of God's great plan.. I still could not stop asking my self why Maggie. Why do other babies live, but she couldn't. I did everything right,and we did not want her any less than they wanted their baby. I guess it just is what it is sometimes. Deep breath in.... deep breath out. Now, I just have to find a $ tree to get the adoption process going. Again, I know $ can't buy you happiness, but it is a great tool to get you to it.

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