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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Operation get a life......

Operation, get a life is starting today..... I am tired of being consumed with grief.. all I think about is not having my Maggie here. I am tired of being jealous of other people. I am tired of feeling alone.
 Step #1 I need to find a job . This could be a little difficult considering I would need to find part time days. I can only work from 8 am- 2pm , that way it works around Don , and him working afternoon's. I think if I have time away from the house it will give me a break, but keep my mind from wondering. Also,  extra money will help us be able to do extra things we can't do right now.
Step #2 Make some new friends. I need to find scan relate some people that can relate to where I am at , and where I need to get to. I hate that the only time my phone rings during the day is when medical bill collectors are calling to collect money on my dead baby girl. They started calling the week after we got home, and they have not stopped. Two or Three times a day they call! I am sorry , but we don't have any money to give you. After we pay our bills, put gas in the car, and buy a little food we are BROKE! After we went to the park yesterday I came home, and just stared at the walls. I took a shower about 7pm , and was in bed by 8. I am so depressed. The walls are starting to close in. I put everyone needs before my own , and that is not getting my anywhere ,but more depressed..
So, I have a meeting today at 10 am , then I am going to start looking for a job. If anyone knows of anywhere hiring please let me know.

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