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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Friday, May 25, 2012

A little ray of sunshine

I had a great day today. Woke up, made dinner for a family that just had a baby. Then we went on a walk, while Hayden rode his bike. Ran some errands, then brought a very special lady some flowers to cheer her up. ( There is nothing like cheering someone up who has been so good to you )  Hayden played with some friends this afternoon on his water slide.. then out to Yiayia's house for dinner. I had a butterfly follow me everywhere I went today. I love days like that.. it makes me feel like Maggie is with me in every moment of my day. I miss her less, and think about her more on days like today. I know that sentence probably made no sense to anyone ,but I almost can feel her presence when the butterfly follows me around. Think I'm crazy, but this is our (me, and Maggie's ) journey. I am starting to really believe that just because the soul leaves a body, does not mean that it can't still make it presence her on earth every now, and again. Days like today give me strength .. let me feel like it is possible to go on with out her. I am hoping that as time goes on I have more good than bad days. I know what set me off , and gave me a couple of bad days.. then those day's ran into Wednesday. Wednesday always seems like a long day.. I think it is because every Thursday we go see Maggie for our "date day". Maybe I should just change the day to Wednesday that we go , and see her..,but then I think Tuesday would turn into the long day..  Any who.. starting to see a light in this long dark tunnel.


  1. Wow! This a really great blog! My family and I have found out our baby has only one kidney and it is multicystic dysplastic! We are praying for a miracle and no that nothing is too big for God, but know that whatever plan he has it will be perfect and we will chose to trust him! Thank you for being so candid and real... I am only 23 weeks and people have already "told" us how to grieve; from not having a funeral to why am I not inducing?! I also have a three year old daughter! I have had 4 miscarriages, so this is not the first time IzaBella has heard "mommy is having a baby"! If you would like to email me personally, my email address is I will be praying for your family

  2. It is gut wrenching to hear your news, about your baby. Your right God does, have a plan. I will keep your family in my prayers .. If you ever need to talk more my personal email is If you need to vent, or want to talk to someone that has walked your road I am always here. God Bless you, God give you strength, and I hope God gives you grace. This road is a terrible one to go down. Treasure EVERY moment you have with your little one.. take video's, pictures, belly cast.. ANYTHING you can think of. Those memories will be so important later. I hope you beat the odds!!
