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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hey guys.. thank you for being patient , and still checking the blog. My computer was down, and we just got it back. A lot has happened since I last posted... The days just keep flying by since we lost our dear Maggie. Not a day goes by that we do not miss her. Last week when we went to visit her, a beautiful pale yellow butterfly landed on her grave site, and sat there with us till we left. Every day, since we have lost her ( including the day) , rain or shine I have seen a butterfly.. sometimes only for a moment or one that seems to stick with me, and follow me around all day. Some days I cry just because I am handling her death so well. I feel guilty that I am not mourning her more. Then other days are terrible, where I miss her, and just want to so desperately hold her , and give her a kiss. Don goes back to work today, and I kinda have a sick feeling in my stomach because of it. I hope I am able to handle Hayden by my self, and keep up with everything. It's crazy feeling so strong, but so very weak at the same time. My best friend is leaving me ( I know just to go to work) , but when you get so connected to a person, and they have been your rock... I just hope I can function with out him around....but life must continue. I have still not herd anything back about the jobs that I applied to.. guess I will keep looking...
Just feeling a little lost, and overwhelmed today.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there. I am Stephanie, visiting from the SS blog link up. I will be praying for you specifically in the coming days. I was SO scared for hubby to go back to work after we lost our daughter. I have a 2 year old to tend to, and I was also worried that I couldn't do it. It was healing for me to get back in a routine, but it felt so weird to try to act normal as if our whole world hadn't been rocked. It will get better. One day at a time...much love to you!
