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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Went to church this morning.. it felt great to get out of the house for a little while.... now I am very sleepy. Also, God can be VERY funny at times..the sermon today was on Abraham almost sacrificing his son. The youth Pastor gave the sermon  ( who does not have any children) ... any ways he just kept going on about how Abraham must have felt knowing that his son , had to die .. and him being the one to lead him there, but bc he loved the lord more than his son he was willing. I thought this was funny because I do know what it feels like to carry there child to their death.. I am living it right now. I do know what it is like to walk the path that God ask us to walk even in the hardest of times.. We could of terminated Maggie's life, but because the lord does not want us to sacrifice our children's lives we chose to leaving it all in his hands.. I love Maggie more than a lot of things, but not more than I love the lord.. so yes Pastor Kyle I do know 1st hand the walk that Abraham has walked.. and if I do say so myself my parent of the year award should be coming in the mail any time soon ( haha).

Anyways.. I took some time out when we got home to put together her outfit.. here it is! She has two bow's, and two head bands because every girl needs choices no matter where they are going......

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