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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Monday, March 19, 2012

One big crying sobbing mess today....

OK, I am just full of water works today.. to the point that it is pissing me off. Yesterday, is what started it all... I was sitting in Menards Parking lot waiting for Don to get out of the store , and a family with a new born baby parked right next to me. The baby girl was so tiny ( still that I am so new I am just want to stay squished up new ) , and adorable.. I was fine till she started to cry. Then I started balling, and could not stop. I felt like such a freak of nature. Am I seriously going to cry EVERY time I see a baby? Am I going to be so angry because those parents get a healthy child? I don't want to be the crazy lady that cries every time I seen a baby ( or the next doll lady to try , and fill the void). Last night I was in so much pain as she was moving around so lively in my stomach. Yet again I was hurt , and angry! She is so alive now, and so close ,but at the same time we are worlds away from each other. I feel like a four year old throwing a fit about how unfair this is , and how I want my way. I know I am not going to get my way, and it sucks. Today, I am crying because I am thinking about all the moments that I will not have with her. I started pinning really cute baby clothing , not as a joyous occasion of all the cute things I can dress my daughter in , but what I am going to bury her in. I have held off trying to find an outfit for her, because that is what makes it so finalizing for me. It's weird that I could pick out her grave site, flowers, and the rest of her arrangements.. but I am having a hard time with what to dress her in!!! I don't want to say goodbye...... I wish she could stay in my belly till we could find a cure. With every day that goes bye it is one day closer to the worst experience of my life. How do you say goodbye to something that has taken such a big chunk out of your heart, but yet you have no clue even what they look like. I know we are so blessed, and we have more than most people will ever get.... I try to stay positive, but this is more than I can humanly bear..... I wonder if I will be once of those empty shell people when this is all said , and done. Time to dry the water works , and get back to realty my little man is waking up, and I don't feel like answering once again why mommy is so sad today.


  1. Liz, I pray for you constantly. I pray that God keeps you in His care through all of this.

  2. Liz,

    I don't know if you remember me or not but you have been on my mind and in my prayers so very often. I met you a few weeks ago when I came to the Kankakee PRC with Carrie from Bloomington. I lost a baby daughter several years ago due to a chromosome disorder. I know your anguish is great as you approach the day of delivery. The unknown is so scary and I can only hold you up in prayer to the God that understands all this even though it doesn't make any sense to us. I will continue to pray.

  3. I do remember you! Thanks so much for thinking of me. Keep praying that God gives me the grace to make it threw the day :)

  4. I continue to pray for you daily. I also pray that someday, someway you will find peace.
