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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

We went to church this morning. I don't know why it is so hard for me once we get there. We were singing today, and I just start sobbing. Maybe, it is because all of the songs praise him for the great things/miracles he performs, and then I get so angry because any day now he could make the other kidney start to work. I am not doubting him or testing him. I KNOW he can, but I do not understand why he chooses not to. Also, the amazing people from the pregnancy resource center were there today to give the church an update on the works that they do. I just started sobbing all over again. They showed a video of a journey threw pregnancy with scripture quotes. One just punched me in the gut... All your days have been ordained from beginning to end, and you are wonderfully made with a purpose. I want to know her purpose is, and I want her ending not to be in my life time. No one should ever have to endure the pain of loosing a child , and have to place them to rest . It should be the other way around. I AM SO ANGRY AND HURT! I have no choice , but to keep praising him because of the wonderful life and people that he has lent to me. I would be lost with out my family, ,my son, and husband. THANK YOU to everyone that has kept us in your prayers and is spreading the word with Maggie's button. Maggie is still here today with lots of hiccups :)

I need you all to say a special prayer for my best friend. Her grandmother is in her final hours of her fight with kidney failure. Please pray for her and her family.. Peace, strength, and grace.

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