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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hey, guys! I just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that Maggie is still here with us! I did a lot to much today and my belly is very sore, but she is still hiccuping. I have an OB  appointment tomorrow, and will update after I come home. Please be patient tomorrow, we also have to go pick out the spot at the cemetery where we will be laying Maggie to rest. I have replayed this scene  several times in my mind since calling to make the appointment ... I am hoping to be on auto pilot tomorrow , because tomorrow is not the day that I get to completely come apart. I am trying to look at it, if though, I am going to pick out our earthy meeting place where I get to talk to her and keep her updated on life. Just say an extra prayer for me that I have peace and strength to get my threw the day.
Last night was Hayden's first night of soccer! HE LOVED IT. THANK YOU AUNT NEMO FOR THE GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT! He woke up this morning asking to practice. ( This could be another reason why I am so sore, I was out on the field with him last night bending, walking, and helping him with the ball)

We painted golf balls this morning.. As you can see he had a blast!! Being a homeschooling mom is one thing I am going to miss terribly.. once this is over with Maggie I am going to have to go back to work to pay off medical bills , and house hold payments that we have gotten behind on. So, I am enjoying every minute of it now :)

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