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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The start to our journey

Our journey with Maggie started  in January of 2011. My husband Don and me wanted to start trying for our second baby.( Our son Hayden had just turned 2) We tried and tried and nothing happened. I went in March to a regular ob check up with Dr.M , and he told us nothing was wrong to keep trying. Well, by August nothing had happened. I was beyond sad, and frustrated. We switched OB's and went to see Dr.Y. Dr.Y did every test in the book and they all came back normal. She sent me home frustrated and said to keep trying. Well, a couple of weeks went by and finally I had enough. I called my mom and asked her to take Hayden for the night so I could have a night to myself to clear my mind. That night I made to stops before coming home to drown my sorrow.. 1. To the drug store for a pregnancy test 2. To the local taco joint to get a huge steak taco dinner. I came home and took the test. Negative... I screamed and cried then left the test on the counter for my husband to see when he got home from work. Next, I proceed to eat every bite of that HUGE steak dinner all by myself. With my stomach full, and my spirit crushed once again I told God I was done trying to have babies it was in his hands. I fell into a deep food coma at about 7:30pm. The next morning I woke up at 5 AM and padded down to the kitchen to get a drink of water. The pregnancy test was still on the counter. I was so angry I snatched it up and was about to throw it in the garbage when that ONE line had turned into 2. At this point I am whipping the sleep out of my eyes and reaching for my glasses like a wild animal. I could not believe it. I dig the box out of the garbage and read the back ( DO NOT READ RESULTS AFTER 10 MINUTES OR THEY CAN BE FALSE). I threw both the pregnancy test and the box in the garbage, tossed on my flip flops and ran to the drug store ( no bra on at all ). I got home and re took the test.. like a neon sign that sucker lite up PREGNANT. I raced up stair and woke Don up ( he was not pleased about the 5:30 waking). He was excited that we were pregnant!
The next morning I called Dr.Y and went in and it was confirmed WE WERE PREGNANT! The next three months were normal... if I was not hanging my head into my royal throne, then I was fast asleep , or being hormonally crazy.  Everything changed on December 9th 2011.

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