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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The day the rain started

December 9, 2011: This day started out as a "normal". We were headed up to a private ultra sound company about an hour north of us. My husband and I arrived excited, and happy to find out the sex of our second child. We got signed in taken back to the room. I laid down on the table and waited to see the image on the screen of the baby. The ultra sound tech said, "OH NO.... the baby has a heart beat, but you have almost no amniotic fluid." She then asked if we would like to still find out the sex of the baby. I said no. They called Dr.Y right away, refunded our money, and gave us the directions to go straight to our local hospital where Dr.Y would be meeting us. The drive home seemed like it took forever, even though it really only took 20min. We waited almost 2 hours for Dr.Y to arrive. In the mean time I had an ultra sound at the hospital to confirm the news. I only had 1 cm of fluid ( you are suppose to have close to 8cm). Dr. Y came in the room delivered  the news and said the baby had a 50/50 chance of survival. I was hooked up to IV fluid and had to stay the night. 

December 10, 2011: At 6:30 AM  I was woken up to have another ultra sound.  Around 9:30 Am Dr.Y came to delivered  the news that my fluid had went up from 1 cm to 3 cm. I said a silent prayer to the dear lord thanking him. Dr.Y said that my fluid was not were it need to be, but it was a major improvement . Also, she reported that I did not have a tear in the fluid sac and that my body was functioning just as it should be. They were thinking it was something wrong with the baby. Dr. Y said I would need to stay till at least 8 pm to continue the fluids then I could go home as long as I drank 4 L of water and stayed in bed on Sunday. I agreed and was thankful to be going home to my Hayden and to get some sleep. We were to come back to the hospital first thing on Monday morning to have an ultra sound to check my fluid level.

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