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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Good morning everyone, I wanted to stop in , and update everyone on what has been happening.... I have been doing a lot of resting, and taking it easy in order to get my BP down. I go back to the Dr. today, and I have more than my fair share of anxiety this morning. I am trying deep breathing , and calming music. I will get to find out the results of the ultra sound, get my blood drawn, and I am thinking set up a date for the c-section. ( I will update more when I get home ) To be honest all of my anxiety is to do the c-section. I know Maggie , must come out of me at some point, but I am just so scared. I am scared to be operated on.. I am scared of the reality that is to follow the operation. I don't want to loose her, but it is just going to happen. I am so scared , and afraid. I keep praying for God to take all of the anxiety from me , and to give me the strength  that I need to make it threw all of this. One day at a time.... Well, I am tired of babbling on about me.. If you would all take a minute , and not only pray for me & Maggie ,but a couple of friends of mine.. One has just started caner treatment, and the other one is going threw a personal situation at work. Just pray that God gives them what they need. * It is funny how my prayers are no longer geared toward my perception of making things all better... As, much as it hurts I am finally realizing that we live on earth , not in heaven , and things will not be perfect here. God only promised to give us what we need ( not what we want ) *