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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Monday, January 16, 2012

December 31, 2011: In all honesty I have been having good days and bad. Some days I don't want to get out of bed and all I do is stare at the wall.  My marriage is really being tested right now. I want to get out of the house and go some where to get my mind off of everything. I just have no clue what to do. I know, I will go to the store and pick up stuff for a yummy dinner. Spaghetti, french bread, and sparkling cider. Don is working the bar tonight so just me and Hayden to ring in the new year. The end of 2011 has really sucked for us, so I am praying that 2012 will be kind to us.

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