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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Monday, January 16, 2012

December 23, 2011:
8AM Tired of having nightmares! Since, I am not going to get what I original asked for , for Christmas... I would like to just get away and sit in a huge bath tub and unwind, but since that will not be able to happen , looks like I should shut up and appreciate what I do have this year.
1PM: I  just found out that my grandpa is at the hospital not doing well. He is stage 4 renal failure. I am on my way up to see him.... I just got back and he is one tough cookie hanging in there.
3PM:The baby has been moving like crazy all afternoon. It makes me so sad , but since we don't get to count up like most people are we are doing the count down... I am just so blessed to be able to feel her.

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