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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Monday, January 16, 2012

December 21, 2011:  
8AM: Instead of wondering when it will stop pouring rain on me, I am choosing to dance in it.

2PM: Mom's I need your help. Hayden will not stop freaking out about every little thing, yelling, screaming, throwing crazy fits!! I don't know if it is he way of dealing with our situation ... I can't take it any more . So, far I have not spanked ,but I am getting close.. Any advice?

5PM: ( This is not directed from me asking for advice from above it is directed at someone making comments about our decisions walking this road)  I am going to say this only once LIFE IS SHORT.. If you do not like what I am doing with mine please press the delete button on  here or on  face book please keep your comments to you self. Frankly, unless I ask you for your opinion about my life than keep your snide comments to your self. It may not be what you would choose or what you think you might do, but till you walk a mile in my shoes right now KEEP IT TO YOUR SELF!

( I just pressed the delete button for them :p )

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