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Welcome! My name is Elizabeth and I'm a home schooling' mama to one little Monkey. We are currently using My Father's World first grade and these are our adventures!

Monday, January 16, 2012

December 16, 2011:  Dr. Y called at 1pm.... She let us know that that our local Catholic hospital denied us the "privilege" of doing the procedure at their hospital. She did not give any reasons as of why, and said that we were able to go to Hospital R ( our other local hospital) on Monday morning to have the procedure done. Everything was set up and we had nothing to worry about. I was not happy with them not giving an explanation as to why they would not do the procedure. I called up the hospital and asked to speak with someone on the ethical board. This person happened to be a nun. The nun  said  the answer was no because 1. baby is measuring the gestational age that it should be 2. my placenta is functioning as it should be 3. my health is not an immediate threat. I just think it is BULL my BABY has no amnio fluid, they would rather it die by suffixation and have to be in pain. They will even put dogs out of there misery and not let them suffer. The baby does not have a bladder ( you need it to live), the baby only has one kidney FULL of cyst that is not functioning ( you need that to live). The nun did go on and say that if I wanted to have a psychiatric evaluation and say that I was suicidal they would be willing to do the procedure. She also said that she would be praying for me. That is when I promptly told her where she could stick her prayers and that I would not compromise my mental health, give up my parental rights just to have the procedure done at her hospital.
This is the first time in the whole  situation that I can honestly say that I am angry!! I never asked for this. All I ever prayed for every night was a healthy baby an healthy delivery for me and the baby and for me or the baby not to have complications. I guess it was all way to much to ask for. To top it all off today Hayden has the stomach flu. I am hanging by a thread here.......

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